Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Three Things You Should Know About Moving to Austin

Three months in Austin and I think I’m starting to acclimate to my new surroundings (finally). The adjustment period from post-college Waco-life to post-college professional-life-Austin put me on a steep learning curve and no it’s not because of the job but literally this freaking city I live in.

First of all, this city recycles! (?) 

So, living in Waco I was accustomed to throwing glass, paper and all the recyclables right in the trash. Sure Waco did have a recycling center but didn’t offer apartment residents recycling containers.  And seriously, what self entitled college student is going to drive to the recycling center? Not this millennial who demands everything to be given to him right now! To answer the many, many, many thoughts, yes, I do recycle now that I’m here in Austin. I even have a nice recycling truck that comes by to pick up my recyclables (I am Millennial, I am entitled to this).

Second, Austinites are self proclaimed foodies and winos (with good reason). 

I fit more into this category because I became a foodie and alcoholic wino when I went to school in Waco, because let’s face it there’s not a lot to do in Waco but eat and binge drink. Austin isn’t exactly known for its sobriety and Men’s Health ranked Austin no. 5 of America’s Drunkest Cities – so obviously I’ve met quite a few soul mates. All that aside, the world’s premier restaurants, amazing local chains and guilty pleasure trailer food have made a harmonious foothold in Austin. I guarantee you there is always a new place to try new food and a new wine. Ask any local Austinite and they’ll tell you a place that is a must eat and drink.

And third, Austinites are health nuts. 

There’s not one hour of the day or night that I don’t see someone in my neighborhood running or walking. Apparently this is normal behavior of healthy people (Austinites), who knew? It’s not surprising that Austin made it to the top 10 of Sperling’s Highest Healthiest Cities Scores (Yes, Fifth in drunkest and 10th in healthiest – makes perfect sense. Clearly we’re all functional alcoholics.) And yes, I want to become one of the many people I see running, swimming, kayaking, hiking, biking, yoga-ing and weight lifting because I have no original thought of my own. I see things I like and want to absorb and become them. (Med friends feel free to analyze and get back to me with your thoughts)

So Austin, here is to our three month anniversary. I still hardly know you but enjoy every minute.